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Re: dh_installtexfonts is ready for testing

Frank Küster <frank@debian.org> wrote:

> ^[[:alpha:]] will be after ^99[[:alpha:]] (and more importantly after
> 00updmap.cfg) when update-updmap handles them, won't it?  So having no
> number wouldn't be a bug, right?  
> Still I think it might look "cleaner" if every file started with a
> number, even if it doesn't matter.

Me too. Also, this leaves you the possibility, in case that would become
necessary (new updmap.cfg syntactic elements...), to add something that
you are sure will come after (Map|MixedMap) declarations by font

Also, for the policy (or README.Debian files, due to the targetted
audience), maybe it would be a good idea to suggest that non-packaged
.cfg files in updmap.d (and other .d dirs) follow the pattern

I always use the 'local-' part for my own stuff in .d directories, and
find that handy, tidy. Maybe others would like that (ls, and you see in
no time which files were added by yourself), and that could help a
little bit bug reports. Anyway, just my 2 cents.


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