Re: AGM 2009: call for dates
also sprach Axel Beckert <> [2009.11.11.1345 +0100]:
> I'll check if there is a possibility to use the rooms of the KSP for
> the AGM, too. But I can't promise neither that it's rented long enough
> before start of the KSP (after doesn't seem to be a good idea) nor
> that the LUGS will let us use it for free since they paid IIRC 380 CHF
> for the room.
Thanks. We won't pay. There are plenty of other places we can use,
including my home. But lets see what you can get. Thanks for taking
care of this.
.''`. martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> Related projects:
: :' : proud Debian developer
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