Re: AGM 2009: call for dates
martin f krafft schrieb am Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 11:43:34AM +0100:
> The time of the year has come to assemble. According to our bylaws,
> the invitation has to precede the meeting by two weeks. Therefore,
> we're looking at late November and early December.
> Please take the time to note when you could attend.
Another event which maybe interesting for participants:
LUGS Keysigning Party, 11th od December 2009, 7pm at
Gemeinschaftszentrum Wipkingen, Zurich.
So the 10th of December would fit best with that in mind. (I will not
discuss the sense or nonsense of KSPs here. We had that already on
IRC. :-)
> Unless someone has a better idea, I will find a place to meet in
> Zürich-Oerlikon.
No idea yet. ETH has stopped offering rooms to external groups. The
LUGS meetings are no more at ETH because of that.
How many people do we expect. 8? 10? 15?
In case of having dinner afterwards: With exception to the toilets
with parfum dispender which look like soap dispender, I always liked
the Cayenne, especially the food.
Regards, Axel
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