also sprach Axel Beckert <> [2009.11.11.1307 +0100]: > LUGS Keysigning Party, 11th od December 2009, 7pm at > Gemeinschaftszentrum Wipkingen, Zurich. > > So the 10th of December would fit best with that in mind. (I will not > discuss the sense or nonsense of KSPs here. We had that already on > IRC. :-) So Didier will arrive for the meeting on the 10th, be a tourist for the day of the 11th, and then attend the KSP? Not sure what his employer will think about that. ;) But we could have a meeting *after* the KSP on the 11th. I didn't include Fridays in the list of dates on doodle because usually people want to have those evenings off. Now I cannot add another date because doodle doesn't allow me to do that. :( The benefit of doing it right afterwards would be that we could probably reuse the space. > > Unless someone has a better idea, I will find a place to meet in > > Zürich-Oerlikon. > > No idea yet. ETH has stopped offering rooms to external groups. > The LUGS meetings are no more at ETH because of that. > > How many people do we expect. 8? 10? 15? Doubtful that it'll be 8 even. I would host it at my house, but depending on the date, there'll be a few other people living there, so it's not something I can commit to yet. > In case of having dinner afterwards: With exception to the toilets > with parfum dispender which look like soap dispender, I always > liked the Cayenne, especially the food. Cheyenne, and yes, that is a decent location. Maybe I should investigate whether couldn't pay dinner for the elected board members! Who wants to stand for vote? ;) -- .''`. martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> Related projects: : :' : proud Debian developer `. `'` `- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems "the only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated." -- oscar wilde
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