Re: AGM 2009: call for dates
martin f krafft schrieb am Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 01:15:27PM +0100:
> also sprach Axel Beckert <> [2009.11.11.1307 +0100]:
> > LUGS Keysigning Party, 11th od December 2009, 7pm at
> > Gemeinschaftszentrum Wipkingen, Zurich.
> >
> > So the 10th of December would fit best with that in mind. (I will not
> > discuss the sense or nonsense of KSPs here. We had that already on
> > IRC. :-)
> So Didier will arrive for the meeting on the 10th, be a tourist for
> the day of the 11th, and then attend the KSP? Not sure what his
> employer will think about that. ;)
That's not my problem but would avoid coming to Zurich twice.
> But we could have a meeting *after* the KSP on the 11th.
Not really. The LUGS usually goes out for dinner after their events.
And it's not yet clear, how long the KSP will take. That depends a lot
on the amount of participants (and also on who takes part ;-).
> I didn't include Fridays in the list of dates on doodle because
> usually people want to have those evenings off.
That's ok IMHO.
> Now I cannot add another date because doodle doesn't allow me to do
> that. :(
Update: Worked now.
> The benefit of doing it right afterwards would be that we could
> probably reuse the space.
The LUGS rented the GZ Wipking for IIRC 380 CHF that evening.
> > How many people do we expect. 8? 10? 15?
> Doubtful that it'll be 8 even.
I thought that all nominees should come (5 now) and the board (3
people IIRC). That would make at least 8 people.
> I would host it at my house, but depending on the date, there'll be
> a few other people living there, so it's not something I can commit
> to yet.
I'll check if there is a possibility to use the rooms of the KSP for
the AGM, too. But I can't promise neither that it's rented long enough
before start of the KSP (after doesn't seem to be a good idea) nor
that the LUGS will let us use it for free since they paid IIRC 380 CHF
for the room.
Regards, Axel
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