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Re: transition to new policy of other packages / transitional packages

]] Antonio Terceiro 

> The problem with making non-transitioned packages NMU-able is that the
> transition is quite invasive for each package. I've added a ack for that
> in the draft.

What's the other alternatives?  Removing the package isn't less
invasive.  Blocking transition to testing is slightly less invasive, but
we don't want to end up with packages that languish in unstable forever
either.  Doing nothing is less invasive, but does not get us to where we
want to be. :-)

> I think we could start this discussion with the release team ASAP.
> IMO, you could just post the current state of this draft.

Agreed, it's a discussion, not an announcement.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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