Re: General Resolution: Diversity statement results
* Stefano Zacchiroli <> [2012-06-06 17:54:12 CEST]:
> On Wed, Jun 06, 2012 at 03:24:37PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > The voters' preferences are a bit annoying to grep for etc. because
> > they aren't normalised. So I wrote the script below, just now.
> >
> > If someone would like to include it in some package with a suitable
> > name, and perhaps give it a manpage, please do so. Alternatively feel
> > free to just take it of course.
> Rather than having a separate utility to do so packaged, I'd rather
> prefer to have devotee output normalized tally sheets. Doing so seems
> compatible with the transparency principle of Debian public votes. The
> existence of "obscured" votes due to the lack of normalization seems to
> be nothing more than a bug in how we present results.
Please only as additional document, not as base tally sheets, and
making it clear that the original tally sheet is used for calculating
the results. People otherwise would come along stating that "this is not
what I voted", and given that the used calculation of the results
require a fair bit of understanding, I would otherwise fear additional
Just my 0.02 cent,
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