On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 01:10:28PM -0800, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
Certainly, the kind of harrassment documented here: http://www.p12n.org/misc/sexism/ is not something that I would consider acceptable
I am glad you posted those logs. Now I see I was right, this whole thing is blown way out of proportion. Many horny geeks bought heavily into the whole equality thing, so they feel like they are committing a personal sin if more women don't feel interested in their project. The only somewhat offensive log was the last one, and even that did not merit banning. rehm seemed like a person who hadn't had lessons in etiquette. For that matter, mary and helix also seemed to lack etiquette. The main "offense" here is that the females were being treated as one of the boys, and they didn't like it. But they say they don't want to be treated like females either. I suggest all men do what I do, and believe a womans actions more than her words. Being civil and gentlemanly really works. I highly recommend it. Penalizing men for the bad behavior of females is not fair or just. Every geek should read, memorize, and apply Emily Post's Guide to Etiquette. You'll have beautiful women falling all over themselves to be with you. Jonathan -- Address: 13685 Hilton Road, Surrey, BC V3R5J8 (Canada) Contact: 604-951-4142 (between 7am and 10pm, PST) Website: http://reactor-core.org
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