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Re: policy violation and bug reports.

>>"Joey" == Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net> writes:

Joey> Manoj Srivastava wrote:h this.
>> For any games that shall not work that way, put the file somewhere,
>> and move it into /var/lib in postinst when no such exists. (I do
>> not know a game that can't handle zero length files with proper
>> permissions)
Joey> 2. Have to handle score files that come with some scores already
Joey> in them, for you to try to beat. (Ie, Maelstrom's score file)
>>  Does that.

Joey> Presumably you mean your solution does that by having the
Joey> postinst copy /usr/lib/maelstrom/scores to /var/lib/games in the
Joey> postinst. Which it does, but that leaves
Joey> /usr/lib/maelstrom/scores sitting there, never to be used
Joey> again. What a waste of space, especially if you scale this up to
Joey> lambdacore and have a 2mb lambdacore file sitting in /usr
Joey> forever after.

	I am willing to talk about something 2MB in size. Could you
 give me details about this? All I know is that this is a MUD server
 of sorts. How about putting it in /var/lib/lambdacore/core.first,
 copy it to the real core, and zero the core.forst out? no large
 space, we have a zero length file ready to be overwritten. 

	If the core exists, and the user says no, the postint zeros
 out the new core anyway. No fuss, no muss.

Joey> 3 We already have a mechanism for doing this (conffiles). Why
Joey> re-implement it on a package by package basis?
>>  Because it does not. We do not need the complexities of the
>> conffile solution

Joey> What complexities? A conffile seems less complex and error-prone
Joey> than implementing your proposal in a few dozen postinst's.

	Come, Come, Joey. A few dozen? A couple, no more.

Joey> If conffiles were originally only meant for configuration files,
Joey> and we've found a new use for the machanism, well, great! That
Joey> just means conffiles are a nice general solution to a general
Joey> problem that has manifestations the implementor didn't
Joey> envision. Nothing wrong with that.

	Yes, but I do not think we need to expand it quite yet. 

Joey> I thought at one point you were proposing sylinks into /etc for
Joey> some score files?

	Yes, but not 2M score files ;-). I think if a game can't deal
 with a zero length score file, then we create the real file in /etc,
 with proper permissions, and create a symlink into /ect in

	As only one  such game is known (angband), this should be a
 rare occurrance, and we can deal with occasional links in

 on best behaviour	
 MEETS QUALITY STANDARDS: ours, not yours.
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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