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GSoC weekly report of Samuel Henrique for week 6 and 7 [portkalipackages]

Status of packages:

weevely: uploaded and on the NEW queue.

cowpatty: all problems solved, package is ready on salsa, i'm just waiting for upstream to ack two more PRs (https://github.com/joswr1ght/cowpatty/pull/3) and trigger a new release to upload.

o-saft: the o-saft upstream got in contact with me after reading my email about zaproxy (report of week 5) and is very interested in seeing their package on Debian. O-saft is a SSL information gatherer, I'm trying to to get the packaging right but it's very tricky given that the package needs some wacky openssl binaries in order to fully check its target.

Some of the highlights:

Discovered that weevely had non-free code and upstream was very responsive by removing that part of the code (https://github.com/epinna/weevely3/pull/89#issuecomment-400489966)
Found a poor declared license on one file from weevely which came from sqlmap (https://github.com/epinna/weevely3/pull/87)

I made manpages for both cowpatty and weevely.

Discovered that cowpatty was being linked with openssl being a GPL-2 license software without the required license exemption, upstream acked and changed whole license of cowpatty to BSD-3-clause (https://github.com/joswr1ght/cowpatty/issues/1), although they missed a little step (https://github.com/joswr1ght/cowpatty/pull/2)

 - updated the spreadsheet with script's output
 - i noticed that the script does not check for packages which have different source package names. I should probably add.

I did not had the same amount of time for these two weeks, but for now on it should be all ok.

Week 1: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/05/msg00025.html
Week 2: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/05/msg00066.html
Week 3: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/06/msg00018.html
Week 4: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/06/msg00060.html
Week 5: https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2018/06/msg00095.html

Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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