Re: Suggestion: Time limit for NM process
Mario Iseli wrote:
> What i do not really understand is the principe of NM
> - some years ago you could become a DD in some weeks and today in some
> years.
This didn't changed because the NM infrastructure doesn't scale
(enough), but because the average applicant is less qualified than in
the great ancient times of Debian.
Therefore, the questionaries were developped. If you consider to revert
to those telefone interviews for Debian Developer qualification, you
risk the integrity of Debian. The NM process is about trust, and trust
is something you have to earn and which is given only very carefully.
> Why can't it be easier to become a DD, i mean: if someone abuses
> his privileges they still can be deleted, right?
Again, you propose to risk Debians good reputation and integrity in
favour for an earlier DD status.
Remember that for the most taks in Debian, you don't need to be a DD.
> Have a look at cacert:
> every member has some privilege and it works fine. My oppinion is the
> following:
CACert and Debian are two completely diffrent things.
If you play Mr. Evil in CAcert, you compromise *limited* amount of it's
web-of-trust. If you play Basterd Debian Developer from Hell, you affect
*all* Debian machines at once, beeing Debian Developer means practically
to be root on over 30 million machines in the world.
> I think it's wrong to do this "tests" during the current NM process,
> because the only real test is real work - grant the applicant some
> rights and he has to show what he can really do.
You don't need to be DD to do *real* work on Debian, neither the NM
process nor the DD status is something which does hinder you in your
work. The work you do should be in the center of your doing, not the
privileges you have.
Address: Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
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