Re: porterboxes vs. qemu
* yanhua ( [100209 09:38]:
> fxzhang 写道:
>>> 1. If it is the first case: you can do the following command after
>>> you come to pmon console
>>> set autopower 1
>> This feature is introduced in which version? 2E Fuloong might not
>> support this.
> For 2E fuloong, the version is not defined. one thing that can confirm
> the feature in late 2E + 686 box.
It doesn't work here. If I need to upgrade the pmon, please tell me
where I can get a current firmware image.
Also, do you have any idea how I can get pmon to use the serial
console? (This is actually more important than the autopower, as I
have an "hardware patch" for that.)
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