I have a few questions. I'm using an 2E board, and Firmware is PMON 2000 2.1 (Bonito) #2: 2008-... The console is vga, even though the novga variable is set in the bios. How can I use the serial interface? devls displays only disk and ifnet. However according to stty there is a tty0 and a tty1.
devls does not list tty
Sorry I does not remember the details. Setting some reigsters of the southbridge RTC...Next, how can I make sure that the system starts running after the power comes up? It seems to be necessary that I start the system by hand.
Qianyuli or yanhua, please share the method for Fuloong 2E to autopowerup.
Also, how can I delay of bootup? "bootdelay=5" didn't help (in the environment).
Not sure about the version. Also my colleagues might give better help
Cheers, Andi