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Re: Auto-building many manpages: redundant work for the buildds ?

2007/7/21, Charles Plessy <charles-debian-nospam@plessy.org>:
Le Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 03:05:45PM +0200, Daniel Leidert a écrit :
> This would violate the Debian Policy section 12.1, reading "[..] Each
> program, utility, and function should have an associated manual page
> included in the same package. [..]".

Hi Daniel,

Since it is not a MUST, but just a SHOULD, would it mean that it would
be acceptable to ship the manpages with the doc anyway ? If emboss
Recommends: emboss-doc, aptitude will install them together by default.

Or, alternatively, create an emboss-manpages package (arch: all) to
Depend on (as I already stated). That would ensure that every manpage
in emboss is shipped (it just violates the "in the same package"
clause -- but it's a SHOULD, as Charles already pointed out), it would
reduce the load on buildds, and doesn't require to install the whole
documentation package if I only want the naked thing -- binaries and

EMBOSS is a big suite which deals with biological sequences databases,
which typically will take at lot of disk space. I think that there would
be no inconvenience for the user to install emboss-doc.

But that wouldn't guarantee flexibility.
Again, I think that an emboss-manpages package would suit best.

Have a nice day,


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