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Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

Brian Thomas Sniffen <bts@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>Matthew Garrett <mgarrett@chiark.greenend.org.uk> writes:
>> But the QPL also fails the dissident test, and has a much less onerous
>> requirement than the "Add your name to a wiki" license.
>It's a much more onerous requirement: it has the same effect, that you
>must contact the original author, who then gets to do what he wants
>with that information.  But that requirement isn't there yet, it just
>may spring out and bite you at some point in the future.

Much less onerous in the context of the dissident test.

>The fact that it's not active right now isn't a feature, it just makes
>the problem worse, in that it's a submarine feature.

Why is that worse? In the worst case you treat it as if it's compulsory.
If people who are unwilling to read the license get bitten, then that's
their own fault.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59-chiark.mail.debian.legal@srcf.ucam.org

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