debian-l10n-french Dec 2016 by thread
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- Pages web a mettre a jour Debian WWW translation watch
- Nettoyage du spam : Novembre 2016 jean-pierre giraud
- debian-edu-install 1.908: Please update debconf PO translation for the package debian-edu-install Debian Edu Developers
- Hello world ! Friedaum Edouard
- Re: [HS] Debian i18n utilise Weblate ? Thomas Vincent
- [RFR] wml://security/2016/dsa-37{5,7,8}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2016/dsa-3706.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [DONE] wml://users/com/codeenigma.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2016/dsa-37{07,08,09,10}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2016/dsa-371{7,8}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2016/dsa-37{19,20,21,22,23,24}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [DONE] wml://security/2016/dsa-370{2,3,4,5}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [DONE] wml://security/2016/dsa-3711.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [DONE] wml://security/2016/dsa-371{2,3,4,5,6}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2016/dsa-3726.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://News/weekly/2016/04 jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://security/2016/dsa-37{29,30}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- manque sur la page debootstrap Gaël Marloie
- Mise à jour de manpages-fr-extra Laurent Bigonville
- dbconfig-common 2.0.6: Please update debconf PO translation for the package dbconfig-common Paul Gevers
- [TAF] po-debconf://nixstatsagent/fr.po 10u Julien Patriarca
- [RFR] po-debconf://nixstatsagent/fr.po Alban VIDAL
- [HS] Projet de traduction Debian - Les traductions - Liens morts Alban VIDAL
- [RFR] wml://security/2016/dsa-373{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] po://installation-guide/fr/{boot-installer,hardware,preparing,random-bits,using-d-i}.po Baptiste Jammet
- [RFR] wml://security/2016/dsa-373{8,9}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [ITT] ddp://manuel/manuals/trunk/debian-faq/po4a/po/fr.po Alban VIDAL
- [RFR] wml://security/2016/dsa-374{0,1,2,3}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://security/2016/dsa-374{4,5}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://devel/debian-installer/News/2016/20161112.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [HS] La Charte Debian - Traduction Alban VIDAL
- [BTS#849394] po4a://debconf/doc/man/po4a/po/fr.po Baptiste Jammet
- [TAF] po4a://apt-listchanges/doc/po/fr.po 68t,7f,30u Baptiste Jammet
- [ITT] po4a://debhelper/man/po4a/po/fr.po Baptiste Jammet
- [TAF] po://apt-listchanges/po/fr.po 23t,18f,22u Baptiste Jammet
- [MAJ] po4a://apt/doc/po/fr.po 736t,63f,89u Baptiste Jammet
- [MAJ] po4a://aptitude/doc/po4a/po/fr.po 2561t,115f,57u Baptiste Jammet
- [MAJ] po://cups/debian/manpage-po4a/po/fr.po 2061t,81f,18u Baptiste Jammet
- [DONE] wml://security/2016/dsa-34{79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99} Baptiste Jammet
- Re: [DONE] wml://security/2016/dsa-34{79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99} Thomas Vincent
- [DONE] wml://security/2016/dsa-34{79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99}.wml Baptiste Jammet
- [BTS#849472] po-debconf://phabricator/fr.po Baptiste Jammet
- [DONE] po4a://debian-edu-doc/ Baptiste Jammet
- [DONE] wml://News/2015/20150429.wml Baptiste Jammet
- [DONE] wml://News/2015/201502106.wml Baptiste Jammet
- [DONE] wml://releases/squeeze/index.wml Baptiste Jammet
- postfix 3.1.3-6: Please update debconf PO translation for the package postfix LaMont Jones
- REVISED: postfix 3.1.3-6: Please update debconf PO translation for the package postfix LaMont Jones
- [RFR] wml://security/2016/dsa-374{6,7,8,9}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://security/2016/dsa-3750.wml jean-pierre giraud
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