Re: KDEPIM 17.08: The whole thing works
Hello Sandro.
Martin Steigerwald - 17.11.17, 14:04:
> > 3. akonadictl start
> >
> > But I had issues with the database upgrade. Because it needs to create a
> > temporary table, that was too big for my tmp filesystem
> > The error is:
> > Got error 64 'Temp file write failure' from InnoDB
> > I solved this with setting the tempdir in
> > ~/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf
> > [mysqld]
> > tmpdir = /usefullpath
> Maybe it would be good to implement to safeguard this in upstream code base
> somehow. I.e. check free space beforehand and notify the user if there is
> not enough.
> IMHO thats another disadvantage of using MySQL/MariaDB by default. Much
> temporary space needed for… things like this.
First I told Frank to drop the topic, and then, as I sense a Debian KDE user
who also works as Debian Qt/KDE team packager and as an upstream developer, I
bring it up myself.
Sandro, feel free to just ignore my nitpicking.
Thank you,
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