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Re: Akonadi database (war: Re: KDEPIM 17.08: The whole thing works)

Hello Frank.

Martin Steigerwald - 17.11.17, 11:27:
> However all of that is nothing that makes sense to discuss here – as that
> are upstream matters. You may try to discuss this with upstream developers,
> but be prepared that they may not like the database or not discussion once
> again. This is really a question that I have seen *a ton of times* in
> various places. This is a touchy subject with upstream developers I think.
> I kindly ask you to drop the discussion on this matter here, as it would
> just be a waste of time here on this list. Thank you.
> Even if you go on… I may not reply anymore – I took a lot of time for this
> detailed reply already. See kdepim-users and kde-pim upstream mailing lists
> as well as various upstream bug reports or even discussions in debian-kde
> for tons of discussions on this matter. Anything is there, including the
> hints about optimizing the database.
> Yes, I am a bit annoyed that you brought the database or not question up
> once again. It has been discussed to death already. However, I also
> understand that there is no central place for all of the information

I am sorry, Frank.

This was partly uncalled for as I understand after doing some releasing.

I still think these are upstream matters, however it was perfectly within my 
responsibility if I answer and if so how much time I take for it.


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