KDEPIM 17.08: The whole thing works
Okay, so I installed Akonadi + KDEPIM 17.08 and the whole things works.
I had some issues tough.
What did I do?
1. apt install -t experimental kmail – kdewebdev got removed, it appears
it needs an update. Also kdepim related kio plugins got removed, maybe
thats intentional.
2. Rebooted and started KMail. Akonadi produced lots of database load
and after a while KMail complained it would not start. Akonadi was indeed
not running only
3. I then looked for old 16.04 packages and did the following:
apt install -t experimental libkf5akonadisearch-data libkf5akonadisearchxapian5 libkf5akonadinotes5 libkf5akonadisearchcore5
apt install -t experimental libkf5libkdepim-plugins:amd64
apt purge kf5-kdepimlibs-kio-plugins kdepimlibs-data
(old transitional packages)
4. I logged out and in again, making sure that all processes of the user are gone.
5. Again Akonadi stopped after a while, complaining it could not find MySQL
socket file, I did not look much closer, MySQL was running initially just
fine and there has been quite some MySQL load.
6. But this time KMail offered to start Akonadi again, which I did
7. Then KMail said that Akonadi is updating the database to improve
8. It took about 15 minutes or so.
9. KAlarm asked about upgrading archived alarms to a new format.
I was able to read news feeds in Akregator during the upgrade. Akgregator
is still not Akonadi based. But well whatever the reported crash on start
bug is about, I did not see it.
Thats for now. Time to sleep.
Now let´s see whether it sends this mail :)
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