Re: Akonadi database (war: Re: KDEPIM 17.08: The whole thing works)
On Freitag, 17. November 2017 16:11:39 CET Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Martin Steigerwald - 17.11.17, 11:27:
> > However all of that is nothing that makes sense to discuss here – as that
> > are upstream matters. You may try to discuss this with upstream
> > developers,
> > but be prepared that they may not like the database or not discussion once
> > again. This is really a question that I have seen *a ton of times* in
> > various places. This is a touchy subject with upstream developers I think.
> >
> > I kindly ask you to drop the discussion on this matter here, as it would
> > just be a waste of time here on this list. Thank you.
> >
> > Even if you go on… I may not reply anymore – I took a lot of time for this
> > detailed reply already. See kdepim-users and kde-pim upstream mailing
> > lists
> > as well as various upstream bug reports or even discussions in debian-kde
> > for tons of discussions on this matter. Anything is there, including the
> > hints about optimizing the database.
> >
> > Yes, I am a bit annoyed that you brought the database or not question up
> > once again. It has been discussed to death already. However, I also
> > understand that there is no central place for all of the information
> […]
> I am sorry, Frank.
> This was partly uncalled for as I understand after doing some releasing.
> I still think these are upstream matters, however it was perfectly within my
> responsibility if I answer and if so how much time I take for it.
Did you actually see my other mail? Again, my question was not about having a
DB or not, it was about whether it's possible to take a shortcut during KDE
upgrade or not and about possible consequences. And it was definitely not
meant to start another discussion.
I'm still interested in the answer to my question.
Kind regards,
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