debian-java Oct 2014 by thread
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Bug#763704: ITP: sisu-inject -- Dependency Injection container for Java Emmanuel Bourg
Bug#763752: ITP: sisu-plexus -- Plexus adapter for the Sisu dependency injection container Emmanuel Bourg
RFS: eclipse-cdt 8.5.0-1 (new upstream) Jakub Adam
Bug#764250: RM: jbossas4 -- ROM; obsolete, low popcon Emmanuel Bourg
Re: dropping javadoc from jetty? Eugene Zhukov
Bug#764497: ITP: eclipse-aether -- Library to handle Java artifact repositories Emmanuel Bourg
Bug#764819: ITP: jenkins-matrix-auth-plugin -- Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin for Jenkins Emmanuel Bourg
Bug#765011: ITP: jenkins-matrix-project-plugin -- Matrix Project Plugin for Jenkins Emmanuel Bourg
Bug#765012: ITP: jenkins-mailer-plugin -- Mailer Plugin for Jenkins Emmanuel Bourg
RFS: libjchart2d-java 3.2.2+dfsg-1 [ITP] Markus Koschany
Bug#765102: ITP: jenkins-ant-plugin -- Ant Plugin for Jenkins Emmanuel Bourg
RFS: eclipse-linuxtools 3.1.0-1 (new, RC bugfix) Jakub Adam
how to package Maven-based projects with modules and inter-module dependencies Hilko Bengen
Bug#765557: ITP: jenkins-antisamy-markup-formatter-plugin -- OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin for Jenkins Emmanuel Bourg
[RFS] Patch to elasticsearch to fix CVS-2014-6439 Potter, Tim (Cloud Services)
RFS: robocode 1.6.2+dfsg2-1 [ITA] [RC] Markus Koschany
Tomcat 6 removal Emmanuel Bourg
Help for a new package Vivien Guillet
guava-libraries 18? Hilko Bengen
Bug#766990: ITP: gossip -- Small and fast logging provider for SLF4J Emmanuel Bourg
Bug#767097: ITP: guava-libraries-18 -- Google Core Libraries for Java Hilko Bengen
RFS: jackson-datatype-guava 2.4.2-1 [ITP] Potter, Tim (Cloud Services)
Java questions on debian-mentors Paul Wise
Bug#767326: ITP: user-agent-utils -- Utilities for processing user-agent strings Emmanuel Bourg
jexec vs jarwrapper Mathieu Malaterre
The last update was on 06:12 GMT Mon Jun 03. There are 89 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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