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Re: Passare una variabile da procmail ad uno script

Leandro Noferini <lnoferin@cybervalley.org> writes:

> I messaggi sono stati marcati come da fare però non potrò dare risposte
> in tempi brevi.

se vuoi fare delle prove veloci con formail, usa il pipe...

,----[ C-h f gnus-summary-pipe-output RET ]
| gnus-summary-pipe-output is an interactive compiled Lisp function.
| (gnus-summary-pipe-output &optional N SYM)
| Pipe the current article to a subprocess.
| If N is a positive number, pipe the N next articles.
| If N is a negative number, pipe the N previous articles.
| If N is nil and any articles have been marked with the process mark,
| pipe those articles instead.
| The default command to which articles are piped is specified by the
| variable `gnus-summary-pipe-output-default-command'; if it is nil, you
| will be prompted for the command.


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