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Re: lenny rant

mimo wrote:
> Thanks for this info Jonathan. I cant really speak for the community but
> I personally find having a different version of apache very useful as I
> have a legacy web server that hosts a couple of hundred sites and I'd
> like to keep it up to date. Nice side effect is that I can PHP4 with it
> for sites that don't work with PHP5. On top of it - but I agree this is
> my own problem - I use apache-ssl for XML RPC stuff for setting up
> services remotely.
> It just seems weird that there are all these "exotic" web servers in
> lenny (I might be wrong but is anyone really using anything other than
> apache and maybe lighttpd) and one of most widely used servers (my
> guess) has disappeared
> mimo


I really think that having 2 versions to maintain in such big monster
software like Apache is a big work. Especially, you are talking about
php4, which ALSO is gone now from Lenny. Having to maintain 4 flavors of
php (php4 and 5 for apache 1.3, and php4 and 5 for apache 2) is too much
work. Unless you wanted to get involved in maintaining these package, I
don't think you can complain about them missing from Lenny. As others
pointed out, apache 1.3 is really getting old, and apache 2 have been
there for a long long time.

Now, if you really need to use apache 1.3, you can still forward port it
from Etch to Lenny. But I don't think this is a good thing to do to keep
old software. You MUST upgrade, as sooner or later, apache 1.3 WILL

Also, it's been YEARS that everybody knows that apache 1.3 would go away
from Debian. If you wanted to keep it, you should have get involved with
Debian a bit more, and see that since Etch is released, many people
worked on the Apache 1.3 removal. This is now very late to complain
about it, and I don't think you will have any chance to have people
change their mind anytime. First, no software can be added to an already
released flavor of Debian. Second, when Squeeze will be released, there
is a good chance that Apache 1.3 will reach it's end-of-life no-support

Last, why do you insist in using old software like php4, apache 1.3 and
so on? Don't you think it's wiser to do your homework and have your
platform upgrade with the rest of the distribution? What exactly will
you miss in the newer versions? Apache2 and php5 are fine to me.

Thomas Goirand

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