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Re: What about DDTSS do you (dis)like?

* Erik Esterer <erik.esterer@googlemail.com> [2011-06-28 19:33:36 CEST]:
> 2011/6/28 Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@deb.at>:
> >  Actually, I have raised this a few time (and was backed up by another
> > German translator), though it didn't get done: For German, we would like
> > to have anonymous contributors, but much more importantly, anonymous
> > reviewers disabled.
> I beg to differ. As an active German translator I'm opposed to disable
> anonymous reviewers. We have an active translator without an account
> (for some months already) and I wouldn't like to lose his
> contributions. And we don't have problems with any other anonymous
> contributors. I don't see any urgent need to disable anonymous
> reviewers/contributors for de.

 Do you truly believe that said person wouldn't choose the option to use
an account? If it is a single person I wonder whether they just don't
log in because it's not required and the interface doesn't push for
logging in, or whether they object to doing stuff anonymously.

 Additionally, anonymous contributions might get us into troubles of
liability, generally spoken. It might sound like a very unlikely
scenario, but actually I would rather be on the safe side here.
Authorship information is something that makes a lot of sense to track.
We currently have issues with relicensing the Debian website content
under a free license because of unknown authors in some parts (language
based group accounts used by many people).

 About leaving a message, I just found out that one has to be logged in
for being able to send one. If the anonymous feature really should be
kept because the contributions from currently anonymous people won't
continue (which I would like to argue) then they should also be able to
drop a message. Additionally, I would like to be able to not have to
send seperated messages to every person seperately, but to be able to
send one to the "owner" and all the reviewers so far, instead of having
to resort to copy&paste.

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