debian-hams Feb 2012 by thread
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[ANN] Hamlib 1.2.15 released Nate Bargmann
Re: Debian 6 Doug
Processing of hamlib_1.2.15-1_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
hamlib_1.2.15-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Processing of hamexam_1.2.0-1_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
hamexam_1.2.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Processing of ax25-apps_0.0.8-rc2+cvs20120204-1_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
Processing of ax25-tools_0.0.10-rc2+cvs20120204-1_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
Processing of libax25_0.0.12-rc2+cvs20120204-1_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
ax25-apps_0.0.8-rc2+cvs20120204-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
ax25-tools_0.0.10-rc2+cvs20120204-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
ax25-tools override disparity Debian FTP Masters
libax25_0.0.12-rc2+cvs20120204-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
libax25 override disparity Debian FTP Masters
Processing of fldigi_3.21.38-1_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
fldigi_3.21.38-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Bug#658770: libax25 FTBFS make: execvp: ./configure: Permission denied peter green
Bug#658770: marked as done (libax25 FTBFS make: execvp: ./configure: Permission denied) Debian Bug Tracking System
<Possible follow-ups>
Bug#658770: libax25 FTBFS make: execvp: ./configure: Permission denied Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
Intent to NMU ax25-apps to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs Christian PERRIER
Bug#593666: Announce of an upcoming upload for the ax25-apps package Christian PERRIER
Bug#659128: [INTL:pl] Polish debconf translation Michał Kułach
Bug#576133: marked as done (unixcw: [INTL:vi] Vietnamese debconf templates translation) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#630348: marked as done ([INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates unixcw) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#593666: Patch for the l10n upload of ax25-apps Christian PERRIER
Processed: severity of 625170 is important Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#661122: FTBFS Moritz Muehlenhoff
Bug#510947: marked as done (ax25-apps: Uses absolute path to call dpkg-statoverride) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#568290: marked as done (ax25-tools: beacon crashes if the length of the destination exceeds 20) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#593666: marked as done (ax25-apps: [INTL:it] Italian translation of the debconf templates) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#603169: marked as done (ax25-tools: kissnetd broken with PTYs) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#606338: marked as done (ax25ipd: fails to transmit packets with "assemble_kiss: dumped - control byte non-zero") Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#627843: marked as done ([INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates ax25-apps) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of ax25-apps_0.0.8-rc2+cvs20120204-2_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
Processing of ax25-tools_0.0.10-rc2+cvs20120204-2_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
Processing of libax25_0.0.12-rc2+cvs20120204-2_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
ax25-apps_0.0.8-rc2+cvs20120204-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
ax25-tools_0.0.10-rc2+cvs20120204-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
libax25_0.0.12-rc2+cvs20120204-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
[Fwd: Contest logging project] Nate Bargmann
Trusted QSL 1.13 on lenny Vittorio Vallero
Re: [Ubuntu-hams] Contest logging project Nate Bargmann
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