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Re: Debianizing Debian's GNOME/KDE a bit more

On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 15:48, Christian Marillat wrote:
> I think we need to write a capplet for that. We have a DD who is also a
> GNOME developer and even better he know the gnome-control-center code.
> Who ? Ross, are you ready ?

I'd like to point out that I don't maintain any GNOME Desktop modules
any more, I only maintain programs which use GNOME.  I'd say the
majority of the GNOME packaging team fall into that category.

With my upstream GNOME hat on, I consider a capplet to configure the
splash screen crack.

There is a GConf key so that distributions can change the splash screen
trivially (a la GARNOME, Red Hat, etc), without having to patch the
source.  If users dig around and modify the key[1] then that is their
choice, all GConf keys are documented.

In my opinion, the only sensible way to override the splash screen is
for gnome-session to depend on desktop-base, with gnome-session.postinst
writing a new default value to the defaults GConf store (not modifying
the .schemas file).  This way I get to keep my funky disco splash, and
everyone else gets the cool Debian-branded splash.  Finally add a note
to the README.Debian with the one-liner to reset the splash screen back
to the upstream image, in case anyone really wants it.


[1] Like me, who likes the GARNOME splash too much
Ross Burton                                 mail: ross@burtonini.com
                                          jabber: ross@burtonini.com
                                     www: http://www.burtonini.com./
 PGP Fingerprint: 1A21 F5B0 D8D0 CFE3 81D4 E25A 2D09 E447 D0B4 33DF

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