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Re: GNOME 2 in unstable announcement

Raphael Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org> writes:


> Furthermore, not everyone upgrades unstable daily, so we always have
> some people who are doing a testing->unstable or stable->unstable
> transition.

My point was that you would get much more (and regular) feedback if you
offered the choice. With the default behaviour being upgrade, mostly
everyone will be gnome2 after what... one week ? If you have to
*choose* to make the transition, it will take what... one month ? 
(I don't have realistic numbers, but offering the choice widens your

This is the time you have to polish the transition scripts while still
receiving ample feedback. When mostly everyone has upgraded, you will
of course still receive feedback, but scarce, and from people who are
not usual unstable users.

There will always be people making the transition at all times, but
by giving the choice more generations of the conversion scripts will
receive ample testing.


`Debian: giving you the power to shoot yourself in each
 toe individually.' -- with kudos to Greg Lehey

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