debian-edu Jul 2016 by thread
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debian-edu-doc_1.902~20160706_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable Debian FTP Masters
Re: [debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/ 07/07: testsuite/webserver: Dito (check presence of cert_override.txt in /etc/firefox-esr/, rather than /etc/firefox/). Wolfgang Schweer
Re: [debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/ 03/07: sbin/snake-on-ice: Rename /etc/firefox to /etc/firefox-esr. Only declare OVERRIDE_FILE once and then use it accordingly (instead of hard-coding /etc/firefox(-esr) several times. Use more quotes. Wolfgang Schweer
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-itil manual Holger Levsen
Content and translation status for the rosegarden manual Holger Levsen
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-jessie manual Holger Levsen
Content and translation status for the audacity manual Holger Levsen
Re: [debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/ branch master updated (6a25175 -> 41330ca) Wolfgang Schweer
re: ltsp-client lacks gnupg / gnupg2 for apt-key to work Holger Levsen
Processed: Bug#779641 marked as pending Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#779641: fixed in git, branch jessie Holger Levsen
Processed: Bug#801776 marked as pending Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: notfound Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#588510: rename thin-client-server profile to terminal-server profile? Holger Levsen
Re: [Pkg-ltsp-devel] Bug#831409: ltsp-client lacks gnupg / gnupg2 for apt-key to work Wolfgang Schweer
Processed: Re: Bug#588510: Info received (rename thin-client-server profile to terminal-server profile?) Debian Bug Tracking System
xrdp crashed (hope this is the correct list to discuss this) Andreas Tille
Processing of debian-edu-config_1.906_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
Bug#801776: marked as done (remove /var/lib/maildirs from d-e-c bin:package) Debian Bug Tracking System
debian-edu-config_1.906_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Bug#832342: sitesummary: fails to extract information w/ recent stretch linux-images Wolfgang Schweer
GOsa features required by Debian Edu Mike Gabriel
Processing of debian-edu_1.902_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu_1.902_source.changes REJECTED Debian FTP Masters
Processing of debian-edu_1.902_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu_1.902_amd64.changes is NEW Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu_1.902_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable Debian FTP Masters
The last update was on 11:21 GMT Sun May 19. There are 91 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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