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Re: Home directories blank in diskless workstations


The krb5.conf needed modifications. As suggested by schweer, it worked at last.

Thank you very much all.

On 13 March 2015 at 14:35, Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer@arcor.de> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 09:16:35AM +0100, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Wolfgang Schweer]
> >> Any idea what could cause this failure?
> On the server it can be caused by manual partitioning without a
> separate partition for /skole/tjener/home0.

Good point. I haven't even thought about this case for a main server.

> On a client, it is most likely caused by missing netgroup membership
> causing NFS mount from the server to fail.

Looking at the code I thought this part of testsuite/filesystems to be
executed only on the main server?

> > Seems to be that I'm now able to reproduce:
> > 'error: ./filesystems: No lost+found in /skole/tjener/home0/.  Blocked
> > by autofs?'
> >
> > If autofs is running due to misconfiguration the message isn't shown.
> That is strange.  I would expect misconfigured autofs to trigger the
> message, not hide it.

Might have been not clear enough: By default, autofs doesn't run on the
main server, with 's/exit 0/#exit 0/' /etc/default/autofs' it does;
that's what I did to be able to check this issue. With autofs running
the home dir partition is NFS mounted and the error doesn't show up.

> > So maybe it should be checked if for some reason /etc/fstab is missing
> > the entry
> >
> > /dev/mapper/vg_system-skole+tjener+home0 /skole/tjener/home0 ext4 nosuid 0 2
> >
> > or if 'vg_system-skole+tjener+home0' is missing (using 'lvmdiskscan').
> Both would be good to look for on the main server.  But they might give
> false alarm with manual partitioning.

Maybe a hint could be shown that manual partitioning could be the reason.


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