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Re: Widen LTSP uplink / Re: ltsp hardware again

El sáb, 15-08-2009 a las 10:40 +0200, Holger Levsen escribió:
> Hi,
> On Samstag, 15. August 2009, nigel barker wrote:
> > Jose, can you recommend a howto for local apps? Spanish is OK.
> AIUI it, localapps is just another name for diskless workstations, which some 
> people call low-fat or half-thick workstations.
> I might be wrong though.

Yes, you're wrong ;)

> And if I'm right, I'd suggest we stick with the name diskless workstations, as 
> thats descriptive and clear. (localapps applies to both diskless workstations 
> and normals one (=those with disks), while low-fat and half-thick are just 
> fancy marketing names without any clear meaning, ie, low fat could also mean 
> a small cpu or little ram...)

Local Apps is a LTSP, with thin clients where some applications can be
run by the thin client instead of by the server.
We're using it in Extremadura to run the web browser when flash is used
and to run the vlc client when a video broadcast is launch to the
classroom by the teacher. So: it's a thin client, boots like a thin
client, the users login in a thin client, but for some applications,
LTSP has a mechanism to run the applications in the thin client instead
of running it in the server.
That way we:
a) avoid all the buggy/awful/bad programmed/shitty/[put any of your
opinions about flash here] web pages with flash animations collapse the
LTSP server cpu when they need 100% of a computer cpu
b) multimedia works perfectly using broadcast with high quality videos
from the ltsp server to the thin clients and the thin clients decode the
streaming by themselves.

Hope it's clearer now

http://www.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/LocalApps is an entry about them
but it's not updated and it has much information about ltsp 4. I'll look
for some tutorial on how using it on lTSP 5. Maybe Vagrant knows if such
tutorial exists.

José L.

P.S: There's another new kid in town:
http://wiki.debian.org/DebianLive/Howto/Network_Image_Server and another
name is needed ;)

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