Re: pulseaudio related problems....
+++ John Paul Adrian Glaubitz [2014-02-17 14:19 +0100]:
> On 02/17/2014 02:03 PM, Wookey wrote:
> > No it wasn't. He explicitly said 'I'll spare you my rants', and _didn't_
> > put in a big rant about how PA is a PITA. Yes it had some 'tone' due to
> > be filed just after being very annoyed by some problem. Sometimes that
> > happens. As a maintiner you have to look past that. The very next
> > message said 'I'll provide details if someone will help debug'. That
> > should have been taken at face value, and then this bug might have
> > actually helped solve the problem.
> Did you read Anton's reply at all [1]?
I did.
> Anton could not reproduce the bug, hence he lowered the severity
> to prevent this bug to be a show stopper for the release. I do
> not see anything wrong with that.
Neither do I.
But my general point stands: This bug report was not 'incredibly
impolite', and even if it had been, the way it was dealt with means we
missed the opportunity to glean anything useful from the situation. You
would do better to reflect on that rather than keep trying to justify
(And you are a very argumentative man. I guess I'll leave this here.
Have the last word if you must.)
Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
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