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Re: simplifying running piuparts

On 21/05/13 10:48, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> @all maintainers: How would you like to run piuparts s.t. it easily
> integrates into your workflow and allows improving Debian's quality?

Ideally, I would like a guide to setting up piuparts in a simple,
recommended way, which doesn't assume I already have in-depth knowledge
of piuparts, and preferably also doesn't assume I already use pbuilder.
piuparts.debian.org clearly has some sort of setup for "the official"
piuparts test; I would like to be able to reproduce that without needing
to know the fine details of how piuparts works.

(I generate source packages from (git|svn)-buildpackage or debuild and
feed them to "sbuild -As" running in a disposable schroot snapshot, to
get the same deterministic dependency-resolution as the real buildds -
so I don't mind one of the steps being "run these commands that use
pbuilder to get sid, jessie, wheezy and squeeze base tarballs", but I
don't have such tarballs at the moment, and don't immediately know how
to make them.)

piuparts seems to have some sort of shortcut UI for "use the pbuilder
base tarball", but I don't know what is meant to be in that tarball
(sid? stable? oldstable?) and I suspect that a "full" piuparts run
actually needs more than one anyway.

> Since piuparts is very chatty, you probably want
> to have a summary and a list of failures at the end ...
> The failing logfiles will need to be analyzed manually.

Another thing that would be helpful is some sort of idea of what to do
with a failing piuparts log, for instance "which bits are likely to be
significant?", "how do I tell apt to show me what it was thinking?", and
so on.

I've seen at least a couple of conversations in piuparts-generated RC
bug logs of this form (paraphrasing to be concise):

    > squeeze->wheezy testing for package X fails in piuparts

    OK, I made a minimal squeeze chroot, installed package X and
    upgraded to wheezy. It worked. Now what? What was piuparts doing


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