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Re: debian/rules "make -f" restriction

[ I haven't looked the vdr-* source; apologies if I miss something
  essential. ]

Tobi wrote:
> Personally I think debian/rules shouldn't be restriked to make. 

What happens if you do `./debian/rules -p | less'?  Although seldom
needed, that's a useful thing when you have to debug the build system,
especially when it's intercepted with upstream's and things are not
working as one would expect.  (I fixed a bug in a package using this
technique once, so it's not just a hypothetical argument.)

IMHO, the assumption that debian/rules is a makefile (or more
precisely, a GNU makefile) has its deep roots in maintainers' minds.

Personally, I've never associated it with alleged policy bureaucracy,
I've always thought that's simply the *right* thing to do.

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