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Re: A suggestion

On Wed March 26 2008 05:51:32 Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 12:32:33PM +0530, Unni wrote:
> > Why the debian can be more interesting? More graphics, more drivers etc.
> > I think this can be done without a big effort ( correct me if  I am
> > wrong). I suggest to make this change possible.
> Ubuntu has already made the effort.  So, if that is what you are looking
> for, then use Ubuntu.  Debian is targeted at a much wider audience using
> a much greater variety of hardware in a great many more configurations.
> Many of those people have no need or desire for the features you
> describe.

The OP makes an important point.  Debian is losing users and relevance.
Although Debian supports a wider range of architectures than Ubuntu,
the reality is that Debian now targets a much narrower audience - the
"old hardware crowd".

Popcon[0] records 97% of hits from just the i386 and amd64 architectures,
yet packages are frequently delayed for weeks or even months while
architectures enjoying 0.1% popcon scores struggle to catch up.

Lenny is still only at linux kernel 2.6.22, which means little support
for hardware up to a year old!  Sid is not suitable for most people,
and most people lack the skills or inclination to install and maintain
a mix of Lenny and Sid.

Stable has linux kernel 2.6.18, which means little support for hardware
up to two years old, and six months still to go before the next version.

Ubuntu has a much better handle on the issue of producing timely
releases, but Ubuntu is also quirky and very much "my way or the
highway".  I would hate to be unable to continue using Debian.

The next DPL should have a solid plan for reversing Debian's decline.
If this means that some architectures fall by the wayside for lack of
interest then so be it.  Better to lose several 0.1% architectures
than for Debian as a whole to continue the slide towards irrelevance.

--Mike Bird

[0] http://popcon.debian.org/

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