Re: TaskSel proposal (Was: Proposal for a new CDD sub-project: Debian4Business)
On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Ben Armstrong wrote:
But as Luis pointed out, having material on extra CDs or needing the
network to install it is a bit of a problem.
Well, IMHO shipping Lenny on CDs is a little bit - how to say -
oldfashioned, right?
I don't think a warning
alone is sufficient (What is the user supposed to do now? Are they
supposed to furnish a network connection where there was none before?
Are they supposed to burn extra CDs on the spot?)
I think they probably will install via DVD or network.
If tasksel keeps its "install from one CD medium" philosophy I
would regard it as not apropriate to current development even if
I would perfectly agree that there should be an option that
"conserves" this behaviour for special cases.
We even switched for Etch to hand out DVDs at exhibition boothes
and I don't know whether we have statistics about downloads of
ISO images that might prove that DVD becomes more attractive
than CD. This statistics is probably cluttered by Jigdo users
(or are we able to record as well how people create CD or DVD
images?). I personally did never downloaded something else than
netinstall ISOs.
Kind regards
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