Re: Proposal for a new CDD sub-project: Debian4Business
On Wed, 18 Apr 2007, Luis Matos wrote:
A cdd would be good for some first testing, but having it included in
debian would be great.
Argh - the usual missunderstanding: If you use the term Custom
Debian Distribution your first Google hit gives the definition:
Custom Debian Distribution (CDD): a subset of Debian that is
configured to support a particular target group out-of-the-box.
So having it included in Debian is solved by definition - and this
would be the right thing to do. The mailing list that is relevant
for this
If you ask me you should read [1] and [2] and finally come up with
a proposal on the debian-custom list. I really like your idea.
Kind regards
PS: I really hate that people were able to convince me to agree
to the name Custom Debian Distributions for the thingy that
was called Debian Internal Projects because it is so terribly
missleading that nobody becomes an idea what we really mean
by this term.
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