Re: TaskSel proposal (Was: Proposal for a new CDD sub-project: Debian4Business)
On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 14:46:35 +0200 (CEST)
Andreas Tille <> wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Luis Matos wrote:
> IMHO the best solution would be if tasksel would have a two level
> selection:
> [ ] Custom Debian Distribution
> [ ] Debian-Edu
> [ ] Debian-Jr.
> [ ] Debian-Med
I like this two-level proposal.
But as Luis pointed out, having material on extra CDs or needing the
network to install it is a bit of a problem. I don't think a warning
alone is sufficient (What is the user supposed to do now? Are they
supposed to furnish a network connection where there was none before?
Are they supposed to burn extra CDs on the spot?) Anything that is not
installable using the selected media should be greyed out. Changing
your selected media will make more options appear. I don't know if
this is practical, given the number of dependencies that would need to
be checked against the selected media before the menu could be drawn.
This could make bringing up tasksel rather slow. I guess if it isn't
practical, a warning is better than nothing.
Of course, this points out again the brittleness of the metapackage
way of structuring CDDs. To avoid having to have a full set of CDs to
install Debian Jr., I'm seriously considering softening almost every
dependency in Debian Jr. from Depends to Recommends. Anyone using
aptitude with Recommends installed by default will still be able to
install even when not all recommended packages are available.
Unfortunately this is hard on the apt-get users who would then apt-get
install the junior- packages and find nothing installed by default,
but I understand #42266 was tagged fixed-in-experimental last summer,
so I hope this is something that will be fixed in Lenny.
,-. nSLUG
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