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Re: Buildds still not picking up new architectures, why?


On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 03:06:25PM +0300, George Danchev wrote:
> AFAICT Packages-arch-specific is a quinn-diff [1] conffile, so probably 
> bugreports should be filed against that package, but I'm not sure if 
> autobuilders actually use that package though. Also it seems like 
> dak/wanna-build/trigger.daily [2] should call quinn-diff to pick up new 
> entries from P-a-s, so not-picking new stuff should be filed against dak 
> package or quinn-diff package ? I don't know how lene/christina is involved 
> here. Hm, someone should really clarify these actually. 

Well, I do not think packages in the distribution are responsible for
that situation. It is an infrastructure issue and the people holding
the keys are always the same ones, with no time to do something about
it and/or not willing to trust someone else to do the job. It is a
dead end.

> [1] packages.debian.org/quinn-diff
> [2] http://cvs.debian.org/dak/wanna-build/trigger.daily?root=dak&view=markup
> [3] http://cvs.debian.org/lene/christina?root=dak&view=markup

 .''`.   Aurélien GÉRÔME
: :'  :  
`. `'`   Free Software Developer
  `-     Unix Sys & Net Admin

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