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Re: Frank Carmickle and Marco Paganini must die

Le mardi 21 septembre 2004 à 19:28 -0400, Stephen Gran a écrit :
> Use port 587 to send your mail through a working system somewhere else,
> then.  Almost no one is blocking 587 yet, and it is the standard.

That's what I'm doing (with another port), and that's what I'm calling a
hack to make it go through my home computer.

The point is, not anyone can do this. Most people in this university
have to use a broken SMTP for outgoing mail. And I bet that's the same
for some ISPs that are blocking outgoing connexions on port 25.

> I don't want to start using RBL's on my debian account, precisely 
> because it's their for people trying to fix broken setups, but I can see
> the arguments for it.  If this can be implemented as an opt in kind of
> thing, then I am all for it.  I believe the main MTA's are running exim4
> now, so if someone wants help setting up an opt-in RBL, let me know - it
> should be trivially easy with LDAP & exim4, as would asmtp over ssl.
> Actually, now that I think about it, why don't we set up asmtp over ssl
> on port 587?  That way any DD has access to a 'legitmate' mail server,
> and this can hopefully go away.  Granted, this should only be used for
> Debian related email, so personal email would have to still be asked
> around for, but that can still be done.

And that only solves the problem for mail coming from other DDs.
Blocking mail from other persons writing to @debian.org addresses is not
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           josselin.mouette@ens-lyon.org
`. `'                        joss@debian.org
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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