Re: Mozilla "PostScript/default" security problems
#include <hallo.h>
* Greg Folkert [Thu, Jul 08 2004, 01:40:00PM]:
> > > Not really. The most common way to use Xprint is with the Xprint
> > > server on the same machine.
> >
> > That's no excuse to break it for people who use the
> > network-transparent capabilities of X. These people do not need a
> > useless copy of Xprt installed on the wrong host. Hence, Recommends.
> If you want the print engine to be *ON* your machine go use Windows. I
> use X with one font server per lan, one print server per lan, most of
> the "work" is done from an xnest login to the main workhorse. Why then
> would you force me to run like Windows?
> I'm with Andrew on this one. Recommends. But make it a bit more clear as
> to why you need one somewhere.
I am not. There are already tooo many exception for "advanced users on a
network" - no dependencies on font packages, no dependency on network
daemons etc. - skipping packages that 90% of users need to install
anyway. It is great for the minority of "flexible users" to not have to
deal with dependencies but it is bad for the most users that are pissed
by looking around again and again for stuff that maintainer decided to
separate for no apparent reason.
So I suggest to set
Depends: xprt-server | network-client
so the few people that actually have a network server for xprt can
manage it with equivs and everyone else gets what she needs.
A such hook should also be in kde/gnome (dependency on
x-window-system-core), mlterm (installing sane fonts by default) and
maybe some others.
Stilblüten aus Polizeiberichten und Gerichtsverhandlungen:
Oft leidet Paul an Geisteskrankheit. Von Zeit zu Zeit hängt er sich
auf. Wenn aber längere Zeit niemand kommt, dann schneidet er sich
wieder ab.
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