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Re: Social Contract GR's effect on sarge

On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 01:21:38PM +0200, Benj. Mako Hill wrote:
> I have been contacted directly by several developers and have tried to
> answer each of them with status updates that say more than I can say
> publicly without risking compromising the progress of the
> negotiations.
> In fact, you told me last fall you weren't interested in having this
> information privately.

I see no reason the information should be dispersed only privately.
These negotiations are something that effect Debian as a whole, at least
from my point of view.  Additionally, even with these discussions taking
place privately, I would think that in 6 months there would have been
something to report publicly.

Have discussion happened?  Has any progress been made?  Does it look
like we (Debian and the FSF) will be able to reach a resolution to the
noted problems with the GFDL?

Jamin W. Collins

It has always been Debian's philosophy in the past to stick to what
makes sense, regardless of what crack the rest of the universe is
smoking.  -- Andrew Suffield

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