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Re: native packages

On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 06:12:54PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> > There are times when the maintainer has made changes (to binary
> > files, for example) which cannot be expressed in a .diff.gz file.
> > Diff doesn't do binary files.
> [ Makefile suggestion ]

This assumes that the binary blob is in the debian directory.  It
isn't.  It might be in tests/f_dupinode/image.gz, for example.  I've
made the change in tests/f_dupinode, and I've checked it into my
source control repository in tests/f_dupinode/image.gz.

Forcing me to keep copies of those binary files that have changed
inside the debian directory is a complete kludge, particularly since
the debian directory is also under source control, and in the end,
when I do a full release, the changed binary file *wants* to be in
tests/f_dupinode/image.gz, not in some random place in the debian

						- Ted

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