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Re: On the matter of Qt packaging

On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 05:36:46PM +0100, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> > [1] In a mail from R?diger to Madkiss, "Jordi Mallach war nie Maintainer
> > von mICQ. Auch nicht Sponsor, oder wei? der Geier was. Also erfind nicht
> > irgendwelchen Schwachsinn.", which appears to translate to "Jordi
> > Mallach was never Maintainer of mICQ. Nor he was Sponsor or whatever. So
> > please don't invent stories like that."
> A less nice translation: "Jordi Mallach was never Maintainer of mICQ, nor
> Sponsor or what the f*k it is, so please do not tell such bullshit". I would
> recommend his AM to be carefull doing the P&P checks.

"Jordi Mallach never was Maintainer of mICQ, nor Sponsor, nor whatever
else. Do not invent any bollocks."

Ruediger knows exactly what a Maintainer is, despite your wrong (or
misunderstandable) Translation.

On another Note, i dont find it very useful to publish private Posts (as
the OP suggests) on a Mailinglist. Most People (that would include me)
express themselves less politically in private Posts and IMVHO private
Posts never should be forwarded without the Permission of the OP.

When a DD experiences Problems with an Upstream Author, then he should
probably ask more experienced DDs for Support, not ignore the Upstream.

In my personal Experience (I do host everything around micq, incl
website, ftp, mailinglist and so on), i found Ruediger less complicated
than Martin, tho (or maybe because) i had more and earlier contact with

I dont know if Ruediger agress with this, but maybe someone could check
Ruedigers debs and if they are approriate be sponsor for Ruedigers micq
debs - this seems to be a good solution to me.


| Rico -mc- Gloeckner 
| mv ~/.signature `finger mc@ukeer.de`

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