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Re: URLs on debian.org/distrib/packages pages

On 14-Nov-02, 16:42 (CST), Andreas Metzler <ametzler@downhill.at.eu.org> wrote: 
> Steve Greenland <steveg@moregruel.net> wrote:
> [...]
> > And if were going down the "I'd like" path, what I'd *really* like on
> > p.d.o is "date uploaded:" field and a link to the full changelog (a link
> > to search debian-*-changes for the most recent message for the source
> > package would be about 50% as good).
> [...]
> packages.qa.debian.org provides most of this information for recent
> uploads, ie. since it is working.
>                 cu andreas

Cool! Was that there before? At the bottom, it says the News updates
aren't automated, but it seems to be almost current -- I see packages
that are current through yesterday. Is the notice at the bottom no
longer true, or is someone (Raphael?) very diligent?

Okay, so we need a link from each binary package page on p.d.o to the
appropriate source page on p.q.d.o.

And I'd still like to have the whole changelog on one page, but that's
just gravy.


Steve Greenland

    The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
    system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the
    world.       -- seen on the net

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