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Re: No LVM in Woody (Was: writing a release announcement)

[Matt Zimmerman]
> Even if you had, it is unlikely that the maintainer would have gotten any
> response from the ftpmasters anyway.

How come?  I'm interested, as I have a wishlist bug for ftp.debian.org
waiting in the queue.

> Yuck.  That means that woody i386 users won't be able to take
> advantage of kernel LVM support unless they install packages from
> unstable.  This is especially silly because, in my experience, the
> primary behaviour of the LVM utilities on sparc is to segfault.

Yes.  I do not know anyone using LVM on sparc (and I do know some
running Debian/sparc. :-), and think it is silly that the missing
sparc compile blocks LVM from entering Woody.  We will include the Sid
packages in our Woody-based distribution until the problem is fixed.

> At this point, I suggest uploading an lvm-common which builds a
> dummy lvmiopversion on sparc, indicating that it is nonfunctional.
> It may be too late even for that.

This will have to wait for the maintainer (or some other Debian

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