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Outside of Debian (Re: Package splitting and upgrades)

> It certainly does sound interesting, and I haven't tried it yet, but I
> think perhaps the reason that there is little interest is that it
> doesn't seems to be in debian at this time, and a lot of people can't
> be bothered to install something that's not apt-getable (yes its
> laziness :). If you need help packaging it, or a sponsor I certainly
> volunteer, since it seems more than worthwhile.
Well for an outsider of Debian, it is almost impossible to get a chance.
Most of the time your project isn't packed and even if it is nobody
cares to download and use a "dpkg -i package". And with the current
"sources.list" it's impractical to implement an appropriate URL.

And if one doesn't get its project into Debian one doesn't get the
chance to show that this solution is better unless one starts shouting
about it in this list. If you don't believe me look at
"http://dpartialmirror.sourceforge.net/"; and compare it with debmirror
or eventually apt-proxy.

It is absolute out of question that in such a case Debian would change
anything to help you, even if the outcome would be approximately halving
the bandwide usage of each Debian rsync mirror. If you don't believe my
search for "gzip --rsyncable" in this list.

O. Wyss

Author of "Debian partial mirror synch script"

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