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Re: Debian doesn't have to be slower than time.

Matt Zimmerman <mdz@debian.org> writes:

> How exactly is this different from a buildd, other than that (presumably) it
> would also build architecture-independent packages?

It looks like Junichi found a lot of bugs excatly on this account.

> The fact that you could trigger a rebuild of the entire system at
> once?  What do you do with all of the things which don't build
> correctly, and the ones which build but are broken?

Just building everything wouldn't be an end of all problems
solution. It would solve some problems with people not upgrading to
the latest version of a library in a resonable time. It would make it
a lot easier to make ABI-changes in the distribution.

It would take a lot of work reading log-files. The question is wether
the work is worth it. I'm not sure we can find out in any other way
than to try it. (Well we could discuss some more until some side gives
up - The Debian Way? (Is that what they mean by rough consensus))

> Without the maintainer or someone willing to NMU, this doesn't get
> us anywhere.

Nobody proposed to drop the idea of a maintainer or NMU's.

It would solve problems with ABI-changes and some policy-changes (for
those packages using debhelper or alike systems). It will probally
make a lot of bugs visible, but not fix those. It won't remove the
need for maintainers (and people doing what the maintainer should have
done but didn't do). I don't anyone has proposed this.

> Regardless, I don't think that simple recompiles of packages are what is
> causing Debian to release slowly.  Woody certainly isn't waiting on
> recompiles.

You're right. Complete recompiles wouldn't help woody on this
stage. But with automatic recompiles we might have been able to
release with the same gcc on all architechtures, the perl-updates
during the development cycles could have been almost automatic, and
some source bugs might have been discovered soner.

Når folk spørger mig, om jeg er nørd, bliver jeg altid ilde til mode
og svarer lidt undskyldende: "Nej, jeg bruger RedHat".
                                -- Allan Olesen på dk.edb.system.unix

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