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Re: speed of LDAP?

On Friday 02 March 2001 06:28, Brian May wrote:
> [repeat for all ou=Services]
> [repeat for all ou=Protocols]
> [repeat for all ou=Hosts]
> and no, my computer shouldn't be using LDAP instead of /etc/services
> or /etc/protocols or /etc/hosts. Is this behaviour normal?

No (IMHO).  The sample /etc/nsswitch.conf shipped with libnss-ldap has it 
look for everything in LDAP.  I have mine setup to use LDAP for passwd and 
group only.  I have attached my /etc/nsswitch.conf file to this message.

Also Brian I just checked your machine and it seems that you are using quite 
a bit of swap space.  Maybe if you had more RAM then the database files for 
LDAP would stay in cache and the libnss shared objects would also stay in 
cache giving considerably better performance.

I would suggest increasing your RAM by 50% at least.

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#ident $Id: nsswitch.ldap,v 2.3 1999/04/13 22:56:43 lukeh Exp $
# An example file that could be copied over to /etc/nsswitch.conf; it
# uses LDAP conjunction with files.
# "hosts:" and "services:" in this file are used only if the
# /etc/netconfig file has a "-" for nametoaddr_libs of "inet" transports.

# the following two lines obviate the "+" entry in /etc/passwd and /etc/group.
passwd:         ldap files
group:          ldap files

# consult DNS first, we will need it to resolve the LDAP host. (If we
# can't resolve it, we're in infinite recursion, because libldap calls
# gethostbyname(). Careful!)
hosts:          files dns

# LDAP is nominally authoritative for the following maps.
services:   db
#networks:   files
protocols:  db
rpc:        db
#ethers:     files

# no support for netmasks, bootparams, publickey yet.
#netmasks:   files
#bootparams: files
#publickey:  files
#automount:  files

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