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Re: speed of LDAP?

Brian May was said to been seen saying:
> much faster. What version of slapd did you use?
	Actually the client machine has both the older v2 and the newer
v3 LDAP libraries (currently running Sid/unstable)... The current LDAP
server is the 1.2.11-1 openldapd package... I do have another machine
running the 2.0.7-2 slapd package which I'm slowly migrating all my 
data from the 1.2.11 server to the 2.0.7 server... I have test'd having
my client machine authenticate off both LDAP servers with about the
same response time...

	I haven't actually tried turning on any of the debugging since
it works but I have thrown up ethereal on ocassion and glimpsed at some 
of the actual network traffic including the LDAP requests and responses...

	Jeremy T. Bouse

|Jeremy T. Bouse, CCNA - UnderGrid Network Services, LLC -  www.UnderGrid.net |
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| undrgrid@UnderGrid.net  -  NIC Whois: JB5713  -  Jeremy.Bouse@UnderGrid.net |

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