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Re: long term goals of debian membership

Ben Collins wrote:
> > Debian is NOT making the most out the open source/free software
> > developers fan base by a long way.
> I get so sick of hearing this argument/troll. Making it easier for joe
> blow to become a developer, when he might only submit one package, with
> his "leet" script he developed in highschool for organizing mp3's, is not
> going to make Debian better.
He might submit something very valuable as well.

> What will make Debian better is to have full-fledged developers who are
> better than average.
So is one better than average person more valuable than 10 or 100 less
skilled people ?

> Those people who just want to do a few things in passing ("I started using
> Debian and I want to help"), do not need an @debian.org email, nor an
> account on our systems just to file bugs, provide patches, test and write
> docs. Neither do really good coders who can only put in an few hours of
> work every few months (e.g. Linus would not make a good Debian developer
> because he cannot put in a decent amount of time just for Debian). Don't
> get me wrong, I'm not trying to say developers need to work Debian as a
> full-time job, but doing something atleast once a week is a must to stay
> on top of policy and distribution specific things. Being a developer means
> you need to stay "in the mix".
An yet there are plenty of people "in the mix" who dont qualify to
become a debian developer, isnt this hypocritical ?

> Those people who say "I can't do that. I shouldn't have to read
> debian-devel just to be a developer", well I'm sorry, but I feel that our
> developers do need to keep in touch to do their volunteer work properly,
> else you are cheating Debian, it's users and your fellow developers.
> Developers that just "get by" are probably taking a position that could be
> better served by people who can put in the effort and time (you folks that
> can't aren't bad, just that Debian is getting too big not to have
> developers that can, and keep too many developers who can't).

What is the big deal with keeping the membership small, does it really
take a lot of resources to support each official member ?

As long as people dont break policy isnt it better to accept whatever
help they can provide, if policy cant protect debian from being abused
by its member then isnt that a flaw with debian policy that should be


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